Sunday, December 28, 2014

All Packed and Ready!

It's hard to believe we have another team ready to head down to Belize in less than a week! All twenty team members made it to 12:00 Mass at All Saints today for a special blessing from the parishioners.  We really do bring you ALL with us in spirit.

As usual, we have a great team. Thirteen returning members, seven new faces. One high school senior, two college students, a couple of teachers, both working and retired, nurses, business owners and every occupation in between. The common thread is a desire to serve the people of southern Belize.

We will be returning to work with children and families in the villages of San Lucas, Corazon Creek and Otoxha. We are looking forward to visiting old friends and making new ones.

Our teachers have packed supplies for health/ hygiene lessons as well as many hands on activities for math and science and some fun art projects. We are all looking forward to building solar ovens (out of pizza boxes!) and then cooking s'mores! Sweet treats are fun in any language.

Our construction team has been invited to go into the rainforest with the men of Corazon Creek to learn how to cut the palm branches to make a thatch roof! They will then use that thatch to construct a roof on a new outdoor classroom.  The team is pretty excited about this adventure.  We will be sure to photograph the process.

Thanks, in advance, for your prayers while we are gone. Watch for updates during the week.

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