Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday in Belize

One of the most memorable experiences we have had was meeting with the scholarship recipients at the Corazon High School.  The children were introduced to our team. Ann took pictures of them in their uniforms with their new back packs filled with supplies.
They were so excited to recieve the gifts.  As the bell rang they all left to go back to class and we were saying good bye to the principal.  One young man tapped Ann on the shoulder and said "Miss, Miss" "I need to tell you thank you again for everything you are doing for us. It means so much."  As Judy watched this scene she was reminded of the parable of the 10 lepers. She put on her sunglasses so no one could see her cry. We have been so blessed to touch the lives of these young people.
Fourth day on the job  site and the teenagers (Bobby and Matt) were working with us (Jay, Bill, Vernon, Gordon and Belizian crew of Alberto and Pedro.) We were finishing up the cap on the middle wall of HOPE community center. That involved four courses of brick about 8 feet high.  Our scaffolding has been jerry-rigged at best. We continue to use it to add 50 lb. blocks to the wall, and no one has been hurt yet! Praise God.
Tomorrow we will travel to Corazon to build and put in shelves in the library that we built last year on the trip. The principal, Shantall, was elated to know she was finally going to use the library.
In Otaxha the students received pen pal letter from St. Louis students.  They were excited to see the photos and read the letters.  Mike, Karen,Laurie and Beth were challenged to work with the littlest students in pen pal drawings because so many of them do not yet speak, or read English.  They speak only Q'Etchi and are just learning a little bit of English.
The school in Corazon also completed pen pal letters. Rose, Derlene, Carolyn and Ann also challenged the students to an Egg Drop Challenge.  Students and teachers had a great time and we are happy to report there was one successful, intact egg.  Kathy and Colleen spent time in each classroom discussing penning the pigs.  It would be much healthier for the children who wear flip flops, or no  shoes at all to walk in the grass without manure.
Play Doh was a new experience for the Infant class (K-2nd grade) in San Lucas. The children were so adept in rolling the doh because of all their experience in grinding corn, and rolling balls of dough which they flatten in a circle and cook on the fire to make tortillas.  They were great at creating shapes and letters with their colorful play doh. And no one ate it !   Jill and Judy taught them how to use the parachute on the field.  They enjoyed pulling and bouncing the balls high in the sky.
In San Lucas the older students enjoyed music with Miss Judy and Father Don. They sang songs and played instruments.  So many of them are interested in string instruments because of the guitars at Mass.  However, they have had very little exposure to cymbals, tamborines, triangles, recorders, and the like. They laughed when Father Don pretended to cry so that Judy could talk about caring for our friends who are sad. They especially enjoyed when their teacher and Father Don acted like they were fighting so Judy could try to get them to be friends again. Every group of student in all schools have been enjoying singing "Be the Hands and Heart of God" with hand motions.
The vinegar and egg experiment is almost finished.  Mary and Father Don have been using the scientific process as they guide the children in grades 4 - 8 through observations and recording data.  Tomorrow we will see the final results.  Playing Bananagrams with the students allowed Mary to share with them a donated dictionary and increase their vocabulary.
Already we are thinking about the sadness we are going to feel as we say Good Bye tomorrow.

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